West Burnsville Baptist Church is located in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains.
Whether you are about to visit for the first time or the tenth, we have made every effort to make sure your visit with our church family is enjoyable and rewarding. Our greeters will assist you and your family with whatever need or question you may have.
What can I expect?
We want to meet you and make you feel welcome! Please complete the C.A.R.E card attached to our bulletin. After the services, please stop by the welcome desk to receive a free gift and say hi!
Nursery is provided during regularly scheduled services.
Headphones are available for the hearing impaired.
(See sound booth technician)
Where are you located?
Visit us at 222 W Burnsville Church Rd, Burnsville, NC 28714
What are your office hours?
Monday-Thursday: 8am-3:30pm
Friday: 8am-12noon
What are your worship opportunities?
Sunday services
Sunday School: 9:45am
Morning Worship: 11am
Evening Worship: 6pm